Making sense of all the different benefit programs and whether you or your loved one qualifies for them can be overwhelming. Read about the various available benefits below and contact ACOFA today for additional assistance.
Property Tax and Rent Rebate Program
This program benefits eligible Pennsylvania residents age 65+, widows and widowers age 50+, and people with disabilities age 18+. The income limit is $46,520/year for homeowners and $15,000/year for renters. (Only 50% of your Social Security or Railroad Retirement income counts.) The amount of the rebate payments varies according to an individual’s income and the amount of rent or property taxes they paid. This program is funded by the Pennsylvania Lottery.
Applications for rebates must be filed with the Department of Revenue between January 1 – June 30 every year. The application forms and instructions may be obtained at the Adams County Office for Aging, Inc. If you need assistance completing the forms, the staff at Adams County Office for Aging, Inc. is available to help.
For more information on the Property Tax and Rent Rebate Program, contact ACOFA today or apply online through the PA Department of Revenue at
The PACE program helps to make prescription drugs more affordable for seniors in Pennsylvania. Individuals who qualify for the PACE program pay a $6.00 co-pay for generic medications and a $9.00 co-pay for brand name medications.
To be eligible, a person must:
- Be aged 65 or older
- Be a Pennsylvania resident for at least 90 days prior to application
- Have income from the previous year of less than $14,500 for a single person and $17,700 for a married couple
The PACENET program extends the income eligibility levels a bit further to make affordable drugs available to a second group of people. To be eligible for PACENET, a single person must have an income from the previous year between $14,500 and $27,500. A married couples’ annual income must be between $17,700 and $35,500. This makes them eligible for modified PACE benefits. Each enrollee in the PACENET program has a $40 per month deductible which will be cumulative if not met each month. Once the enrollee meets the deductible, the individual will pay a co-payment of $8 for generic drugs and $15 for brand name drugs.
Income for both programs includes, but is not limited to:
- Social Security and pensions
- Taxable IRAs and annuities
- Interest
- Dividends
- Capital gains
- Wages
- Rental and business income
- Worker’s compensation
- Unemployment compensation
- Gifts exceeding $300
- Life insurance benefit payments exceeding $5,000*
*Assets are not considered income.
Visit the ACOFA office to apply, or complete your application online at
Reduced PA Driver Registration Fee
Retired residents of Pennsylvania may be eligible to register their automobile for a $11 fee instead of the usual $36. Any Pennsylvania resident who is retired and receiving social security or other pension and annuities that do not exceed $19,200 annually is eligible.
Under this plan, you may register only one passenger vehicle or truck that you own for the processing fee, and you should be the principal driver of the vehicle, unless a physical or mental disability exists that makes you incapable of driving.
Application forms are available at the Adams County Office for Aging or through the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (800-932-4600).
The Clearinghouse is a social service program that assists with social and life services including medical and prescription programs, food programs, housing assistance, and employment of PA residents 18+.
Based on individual needs, The Clearinghouse staff will research local, state, and national programs to find resources that offer assistance. There is no defined income limit. Each program sets income guidelines. The trained program staff will research each program and connect individuals to any that can help.
Contact ACOFA today to learn more or apply for help.
Our Services
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"Thank you so much for your assistance with the medical and drug Medicare plans. We appreciate the time you took to help us understand and review all of the options."
– Jim and Marian S.